Institute of Higher Education (IHE)
Duties of the Management Board of the Institute of Higher Education (IHE):
• To determine the strategic directions of IHE and prepare medium and long-term strategic development plans of IHE covering five and ten years;
• To approve the annual action plans of the IHE, accepted by the Scientific Council of the IHE and approved by the director of the IHE;
The Board of Directors operates on a public basis.
Rights of the Board of Directors are as follows:
• Establish partnership relations with industrial enterprises on behalf of IHE;
• To report directly to the Scientific Council and the Rector of AzTU concerning the annual activity of IHE.
The Management Board includes:
• The composition of the Management Board consists of 10 members and a chairman;
• 5 members are determined from AzTU, 6 members from industrial enterprises;
• Members from AzTU are appointed by order of AzTU rector. One of them is appointed as the Chairman of the Management Board according to the order of the Rector.
• 6 members representing industrial enterprises are formed from the representatives presented by AzTU rector, and vice-rector for Educational Affairs in his absence on the basis of an official letter to large local and foreign enterprises operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Only 1 representative can represent each enterprise.
• All members of the Management Board are appointed for a term of 1 year and they are appointed by AzTU and nominated by industrial enterprises every year.
• Industrial enterprises can present the same person to the membership of the Board of Directors an unlimited number of times.
• The same member from AzTU including the Chairman of the Management Board cannot be appointed more than twice.
Requirements for members of the Board of Directors:
• Members from industrial enterprises - The potential candidate should be the head of the strategic development department of the enterprise, a member of the Board of Directors, the Deputy Executive Director and such a person involved in making strategic and management decisions of the enterprise.
• Requirements for members appointed by AzTU:
At least a Ph.D;
At least 1 (one) year of scientific and pedagogical experience;
At least 1 (one) year of administrative management experience at AzTU - dean, deputy dean, chairman, head of department, deputy head of department, director of the institute, adviser to the rector, vice-rector.
Preference will be given to those with experience in public and private enterprises.
Chairman of the Board dss. (The Doctor of Social Science) F.O. Mammadov.